What I’m all about (for now)

Life has an interesting way of pointing things out to you when you least expect or want it. Like a good friend that gives advice, you can choose to listen to it or nod, smile, and then file it in the mental circular bin.  This time, I am choosing to listen to that advice life is giving me.

This blog has helped not only fulfill a smaller purpose of communicating my own ideas with the world, but also giving me an instant written record of my life for the past 2 years or so. It’s the first time where I can go back and look at where I was at a certain point and put myself back there mentally to remember what was going on. Sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s bad.

The long gaps in postings has also been quite informative. Either I was in a funk and didn’t want to write anything, or was incredibly busy and couldn’t do it. Either way, the blog was left a bit fallow and dusty. Heck, most are started, a few posts made, and promptly die an ignominious death.

But it has given me a window into my own life where I can look at things in as objective a manner as possible. That’s something writers strive for, while also maintaining a subjective internalized viewpoint of experience.

So why all of the posting about programming and games if I’m a writer now? Because it’s still something that I like to do. I do get a lot of questions about that, because I do still code. I think of it just as another form of writing. Whether it’s C, Python, a screenplay or a book, it’s crafting worlds for people to explore. I don’t think I’ll ever lose my fascination with computers, programming, or games.

So what am I about right now? Both. There will be times when games take a back seat for a while, such as now. Writing was, and is, my first love. That’s not saying I won’t do both in the future. Writing pays the bills and it’s something that I enjoy. Programming is also, although it doesn’t pay the bills right now. A few years ago, after we finished filming The Cursed, I had to ask myself a tough question: am I a writer or a programmer? I arrived at writer.

What I’m trying to say is that neither will be neglected, but for many of you reading about just the games stuff may find that I post about writing for awhile and think I may have abandoned games altogether. That’s not true at all. I’m a strange cat that walks not only between walls but between worlds.

Both are mediums of entertainment, and they’ve been converging for years now. Does it not make sense to want to explore both? It would be like denying yourself another rich vein of gold in a mine because, darnit, all you want is that one vein you’ve already hit.

For those of you who come to this blog for game-related stuff, you might find something in the posts about movies and writing. And for the writers looking for writing stuff, stick around and check out the game-related posts. There’s room for everybody here.

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