Tag Archives: life
Thanksgiving Week Vacation

I’m going to be taking a much-needed break this week from the blog and enjoy my Thanksgiving with family and…

Get Down with the Sickness

It’s been like a ghost town here on the blog. I haven’t been able to even get on my laptop and leave a short post on here due to an illness.

23 Ways to Skin a Cat

There’s more than one way to skin a cat. There’s 23. And if you buy that, I’ve got a bridge to sell you.

The Negative Creeps

Battling with negativity, especially from within, can be a big problem.

Formative Events in My Writing Life

There were a few events in my life that I thought I would share with people reading this blog. This is one of those events that shaped my writing mind into what it is today.

Happy Independence Day

To all of our fine servicemen and women serving at home or abroad, and to every American out there that’s…

What I’m all about (for now)

Life has an interesting way of pointing things out to you when you least expect or want it. Like a good friend that gives advice, you can choose to listen to it or nod, smile, and then file it in the mental circular bin. This time, I am choosing to listen to that advice life is giving me.

Falling Off The Merry-Go-Round

There hasn’t been much to write any posts about, at least from my perspective. Hollywood is getting ready to take its summer break before heading back to filming around August, so not much there. My own writing projects have been eating up the rest of my time. This has led to less time here on the blog, along with gearing up for the premiere. So much to do, and a lot of it uses the other part of the brain devoted to non-blog matters.

Off on non-bloggish things

I’ve been really and truly too busy to post anything for the past few days. Once the dust has settled and I have a moment to breathe, I’ll be able to go into some more details here. For now, they’re all hush-hush, top secret things that I cannot speak of until the ink is dry on the paper.

Taking A Short Break

After looking over everything I’ve written on this blog over the last month, I realized I needed a short break….

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