Tag Archives: Business
What I’m all about (for now)

Life has an interesting way of pointing things out to you when you least expect or want it. Like a good friend that gives advice, you can choose to listen to it or nod, smile, and then file it in the mental circular bin. This time, I am choosing to listen to that advice life is giving me.

Investing in Movies – A Realistic Perspective

Given the amount of traffic my other post about investing in movies and trying to clear the air about the reality of independent filmmaking these days, I realized there were quite a number of salient points which were not included in the original. Included here is a followup to that post with some in-depth information for potential investors, laying it all out as to why things aren’t what they think they are these days versus 5-8 years ago.

Making Movies Ain’t What It Used To be

Right now seems to be as good a time as any to talk about the state of the economy and its effect on filmmaking. I’ve heard it all from both sides of the fence now, both good and bad.

Digital Distribution for Games

The big debate though is traditional media vs. downloads-only. Why not offer ISOs of the discs or an optional “Buy the CD/DVD” for a few bucks on-demand? It’s true that your average user wouldn’t know an ISO image from a Word document, but most gamers are a little bit above average at least.

Thoughts on the Gamer’s Bill of Rights

There has been a general fear as of late that PC gaming is dying a slow and painful death to…

Indie Games Big In 2009?

I’ve always been a big supporter of independent games. After all, one could consider my own lowly self to be a one-man indie game developer.

Why Cross-Platform Matters (and Doesn’t)

It shouldn’t be much of a surprise to anybody that knows me, but I do use Linux quite frequently, although…