Where’s Pygame Package Builder?

Just thought I’d drop in and leave a quick note while preparing for the premiere of The Cursed in town on Thursday.

Pygame Package Builder has definitely not been forgotten. I’ve been spending what little spare moments I have in the last 2 weeks getting it ready. I thought PPB was almost ready for prime time when the Python gods brandished their flaming swords of bugs and hurled maniacal laughter at me while I read through tracebacks.

Actually it wasn’t quite as bad as all that. There were 2 major features I wanted to put into this initial release not because they were cool, but because they were essential to any decent-sized game. On top of that, I learned a valuable lesson when it comes to the inner workings of Distutils.

So, no fear. It will be coming soon. I just have to make it through this week for all of the movie-related stuff, then I will hunker down and finish PPB by next week.

Wow, I managed to write a post about movies and games all in one. Hope everybody isn’t confused by that.

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