“Now That’s More Like It”

Just got back from seeing Star Trek at the theater.  Aside from a few glitches at the place I went to (there’s no other theater within 50 miles), the movie surprised me.

It had a lot of action to be sure.  And yes, for those other die-hard old-school Star Trek fans out there that won’t waver on canonicity, just forget it.  You’ll only be giving yourself an aneurysm over nothing.  Otherwise, go in with an open mind and you’ll have a lot of fun.  Which is one of the points of a movie: to have fun.

There were parts that had me getting even a little misty-eyed, but rather than give any spoilers away,  I won’t say during which scenes.  The franchise has been rebooted, and it ain’t your father’s Star Trek.  While there were quite a number of homages to the original movie series, this one is firmly grounded in its own new universe.

There’s only one overall complaint I would have with the film, and that’s the camera work.  Jittering, moving cameras made it nearly impossible to keep focus on the frame and take in everything.  In one instance they intentionally put a piece of wiring or metal in front of the lens to obscure Chris Pine’s face, and he was the subject in the frame.  Cut it out and you’ve got something good.

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