Tag Archives: wxPython
Custom Controls in wxPython: Part 1

Writing custom controls or widgets for wxPython isn’t all that hard, once you learn the ropes. This is the first part of an ongoing series of articles about making custom UI controls using Python and the wxPython toolkit.

ProgressCellRenderer – Gauges for Grid Cells

Here’s another quickie I came up with for Grid controls – a ProgressCellRenderer. Will take a value in a cell and convert it to a progress gauge background in the cell. Also does a little formatting to add a % sign at the end of the value if it doesn’t have it. Useful for read-only cells that are updated from another data source or calculation, but can be manually edited also.

DatePickerEditor – A useful control for wxPython

I still like to share solutions to problems that I’ve solved that maybe someone else out there may have encountered. And hopefully save them some time and banging of head against the wall. One of them was my need to develop a custom GridCellEditor control for wxPython for use with grids. Now you can select dates from within a grid cell without having to refer back to another calendar.