The #MyWritingProcess thing had been making the rounds and people all over the world were expounding on how they went about smithing their words. So, here’s mine. Thanks to Jodi Cleghorn for including me on this.
There’s some stories that come easy. They fly off the fingertips as fast as you can type them before all…
Before I get completely caught up on all of my other blog posts, I felt it important to share this with you, since it is of a (somewhat) time-sensitive nature: 100 Stories for Queensland.
Just in time for NaNoWriMo, I’ve put together a simple but effective writing tool. Inspired by WriteRoom for the Mac, this little guy is as bare-bones as it gets. This is for people who do not want distractions on their computer, just the words and nothing but the words.
November is just around the corner. Many of you might be thinking that’s a long way off, but writing a novel can be a formidable challenge.
It takes strong tenacity and an unwillingness to quit, but it can happen. It wasn’t so long ago that I was just another face in the crowd of horror fans. Then I crossed the line into writing horror, then filming it. It’s a thin line that’s easy to cross, but it takes courage.
There’s more than one way to skin a cat. There’s 23. And if you buy that, I’ve got a bridge to sell you.
Theme has to be one of the most difficult concepts for new writers to grasp. It’s there, but it’s not. Knowing what it is can make you a dangerous writer.
Inspiration can hit a writer at the strangest times and places. This story was one of them. A friend of…