Tag Archives: nanowrimo
NanWrite – Just you and the words

Just in time for NaNoWriMo, I’ve put together a simple but effective writing tool. Inspired by WriteRoom for the Mac, this little guy is as bare-bones as it gets. This is for people who do not want distractions on their computer, just the words and nothing but the words.

NaNoWriMo 2010 – 3 months, 1 week away

November is just around the corner. Many of you might be thinking that’s a long way off, but writing a novel can be a formidable challenge.

Nanowrimo Begins!

It snuck up on some of you, no doubt, but National Novel Writing Month (aka Nanowrimo) has begun as of midnight this morning. I hope there are thousands of you out there cranking away on your own novels and reaching that seemingly elusive 10 pages-a-day count.

Nanowrimo Countdown: 6 Months And Counting

Just another friendly reminder that National Novel Writing Month is approaching fast. Some of you may be scratching your heads and thinking, “What, it’s six months away!”

8 Months to Nanowrimo

A friendly reminder: it’s only a little under 8 months until Nanowrimo begins. If you haven’t already started your outlines for your novels and still think you’ve got what it takes, you should seriously consider starting that part now.

Nanowrimo Separates the Men From the Boys

When I first heard about Nanowrimo years ago, immediately my adrenaline flooded into my bloodstream. Write an entire novel in just 1 month. No more, no less.