Tag Archives: film
2014: A Year That Never Was?

Retrospective on what I did in 2014. A death, a film, writing, and a game.

What I Did On My Summer Vacation

Find out what I’ve been up to this entire summer of 2012.

Dissecting “Show, Don’t Tell”

Dissecting the old saw “show, don’t tell” in screenwriting.

Veronica’s Haunt: T-minus 12 Days

It’s been an incredible and nailbiting last 48 hours. We’ve seen a massive jump in backers for Veronica’s Haunt, to the point now that we’re over the halfway mark.

Movie Investing Nuts and Bolts: A Quick Primer

I wrote this a few months ago for a potential investor who had never invested in a film before in order to acquaint them with the process. It seemed only natural to put this up to help educate those interested in traditional movie investing.

Hyperactive Movie Posters

This is another one of my prognostications of the future of film, but I’ll keep it brief and focused on one particular aspect of the moviegoing experience.

Veronica’s Haunt and Bone Marrow

If Veronica’s Haunt is funded ($735 to go), I will donate bone marrow after principal photography has concluded.

Crowdfunding As Alternative Film Investment

Crowdfunding might be the thing you’re looking for. It is an alternative film investment strategy that is much more straightforward and does not require a heavy burden of cash. But it can have lasting consequences for many years past the normal shelf life of the original film.