Category Archives: Programming
Pygame 1.9.1 is out

This one is a little late. Pygame 1.9.1 has been released, hot on the heels of 1.9.0. One of the major fixes in both versions is better compatibility with py2exe, along with a couple other annoying things I’ve had to use workarounds for in the past.

A View To A Slashdotting

In which I talk about Cymon’s Games and the inevitable slashdotting his site, and Retro Remakes took.

Pygame Package Builder 0.2 Beta is available

Pygame Package Builder 0.2 beta is now available. It is source-only at the moment (Python), and will probably remain that way until all of the bugs are worked out of it. So go download it and try it out for yourself!

Final Lap — Go!

Pygame Package Builder is nearing 1.0 beta status. I’ve successfully slain 99% of those creepy bugs that the Python gods decided to unleash on me at the last minute and stand victorious over a pile of dead bug carcasses holding my sword and covered in bug goo.

What I’m all about (for now)

Life has an interesting way of pointing things out to you when you least expect or want it. Like a good friend that gives advice, you can choose to listen to it or nod, smile, and then file it in the mental circular bin. This time, I am choosing to listen to that advice life is giving me.

Pygamediag – A Quick Utility for Pygame Programmers

Here’s a little utility I wrote in a few hours as a multi-platform answer to dxdiag. It’s a developer’s tool which allows you to quickly reference information about your installation of Python, Pygame, SDL, the video hardware, and operating system stats.

Pygame Package Builder

PPB is a GUI and command-line tool for automating the process of packaging a pygame-based project into a working binary. For now it targets Windows, but the underlying code will ultimately target Macs with py2app.

The Power of Quicksort Compels You

In Python you can do some amazing things with little or no code at all. Here is an example of that simplicity: the Quicksort algorithm in Python.

Playing with concrete

Some things just bug me so much that I have to go back and “fix” them until they’re right. In this case, I fixed up what I perceived were some shortcomings in the Concrete Yardage Calculators utility. It’s now more useful than it was in the previous release, and it’s even faster due to using the optimizing compiler.

Giving Star Merchant 2 Some Love

After helping another fellow Python programmer with some help packaging their game (see comments on this post), I dove back into Star Merchant 2. I’ll be honest and say that I haven’t been giving it the love that it deserves. So tonight was spent working on a feature that expands on something found in the original.

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