We’ve received 2 more donations of $25 each, bringing the funding up to $255. We’ve officially passed the 25% threshold! We’re getting there, with about 35 days left.
If you’re stumbling across this site from my interview on Jeff Opdyke’s recent Running with Scissors column, welcome!
Within 48 hours we’ve received $205 in donations for Veronica’s Haunt. It’s amazed me how fast people have responded to this crowdfunding experiment.
Crowdfunded films are becoming more and more popular. This is an experiment with a short film to see if it truly works.
Wherein I discuss doing state-of-the-art filmmaking on no budget using free tools to transcode to multiple platforms simultaneously.
This is for all the indie filmmakers out there experimenting with new outlets for marketing your creations. It used to be that you absolutely had to have a distributor to get your stuff out to markets that would otherwise have been impossible to reach. The Internet has changed a lot of that.
After a long wait, The Cursed is now being broadcast on the SyFy Channel. It will premiere on Saturday, February…
A few weeks ago I was asked to do a photo shoot as well as take some footage for a commercial for the book. This was all an experiment by my publisher, Michael Wiese Productions. An experiment in terror, in fear, in…seeing how far and wide this new-fangled Internets thingy could take a trailer/commercial for a book.
Last Thursday my book Horror Screenwriting: The Nature of Fear officially went to the printers after approval of the spine and back cover by myself and my editor.
Life has an interesting way of pointing things out to you when you least expect or want it. Like a good friend that gives advice, you can choose to listen to it or nod, smile, and then file it in the mental circular bin. This time, I am choosing to listen to that advice life is giving me.