A Short A Day – Dennis

DennisIf you think the life of a bodybuilder is easy then you haven’t seen Dennis.


When Dennis, an introvert bodybuilder, invites a local girl out on a date his mother is hurt and disappointed. Despite the pressure she puts on him to cancel the date, Dennis ventures into a night that he will never forget.


Film gives us an amazing medium. It forces those things that are kept inside out into the open. With Dennis we see an inside brought out that makes us think twice about ourselves.

We get a glimpse into the life of Dennis, an avid bodybuilder who is also extremely shy and drawn in. You might think these two things don’t mix, but you’d be surprised. He is under the thumb of his controlling mother, who rules his mind as much as the rest of his life. She is insecure and threatened by the prospect of her son leaving her for another woman. And this insecurity only serves to push Dennis further into himself.

He gets a taste of shallow people, including the woman he is seeking the affections of, in one night out. And from that it only reinforces what his mother has done to him. Sadly, it is made clear at the end that Dennis has learned his lesson, albeit the wrong one.

Don’t judge a book by its cover, especially after you’ve seen this.

What did you think of Dennis? Leave a comment below.


Genre: Drama
Country: Denmark
Release Year: 2008
Runtime: 18 mins, 10 secs.
Directed by: Mads Matthisen
Cast: Kim Kold, Elsebeth Steentoft, Lykke Sand Michelsen, Julie E. Pederson

YouTube Channel: TrustNordisk

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