Long Posts Coming and Screenwriting Workshop

There’s been quite a few long-form posts that I’ve been working on since getting the blog back up and operational. They’re still a little way from being finished and queued up, but look for them soon.

In the meantime, there will be a Screenwriting Workshop starting this Friday, April 9th, 2010 at 10am and also on Saturday starting at 10am. It’s a match set, a 2-day affair if you will. The workshop will be intro level, starting from zero and working up to a good strong knowledge of screenwriting.

If you’re interested in attending, it will be at the Magness Library in McMinnville, TN. The phone number there for more information is (931) 473-2428. Admission is $30 and seating will be limited to around 12 people.

This is the first time we’re doing this and I’m hoping we get a good turnout. I’m not the type who is an overbearing teacher (I had enough of those growing up) so we’re consciously making this a very casual introduction to the world of screenwriting.

One thought on “Long Posts Coming and Screenwriting Workshop

  1. This workshop should have received way more publicity. I am attending and finding it excellent!

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