Tag Archives: Programming
Final Lap — Go!

Pygame Package Builder is nearing 1.0 beta status. I’ve successfully slain 99% of those creepy bugs that the Python gods decided to unleash on me at the last minute and stand victorious over a pile of dead bug carcasses holding my sword and covered in bug goo.

Pygamediag – A Quick Utility for Pygame Programmers

Here’s a little utility I wrote in a few hours as a multi-platform answer to dxdiag. It’s a developer’s tool which allows you to quickly reference information about your installation of Python, Pygame, SDL, the video hardware, and operating system stats.

Pygame Package Builder

PPB is a GUI and command-line tool for automating the process of packaging a pygame-based project into a working binary. For now it targets Windows, but the underlying code will ultimately target Macs with py2app.

Bad writer, no cookie!

I know, I’ve been very bad lately. Haven’t updated anything here in a while. When your nose is to the grindstone, it happens. Writing quite a number of things, and also getting the marketing ready not just for The Cursed but also for my book.

The Power of Quicksort Compels You

In Python you can do some amazing things with little or no code at all. Here is an example of that simplicity: the Quicksort algorithm in Python.

Mel, A Real Programmer

The story of Mel, a Real Programmer.

Making Py2Exe Play Nice With Pygame

It’s always a good idea to make sure your entire development toolchain works right from beginning to end. This includes the package builder and installer. Even though I’m still a little while out from releasing Star Merchant 2, I spent the better part of the day Wednesday digging into py2exe to make sure it would, in fact, produce a good Windows distribution for the game. And then I found out how it didn’t like to play so nice with pygame.

Star Merchant 2 – Better Than Going Into Space

The new Star Merchant game is really starting to shape up, thanks in no small part to Python and pygame.

Star Merchant 2 Progressing Nicely

Spent the better part of the night porting the data and code over from C into something a little more manageable in Python for Star Merchant 2. Everything appears to be progressing nicely so far. The commerce aspects of the new game are a little different now, which I will explain.

The Games Industry and Why I Couldn’t Work In It

The gaming industry, for what it is now, is something I don’t think I could be a part of.  It…

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