Our guests on ScreenTalk this week will be Marilyn Horowitz and Will Akers. Our topic is “The First Act”, and Marilyn will be going overthe first act with a Screenwriter’s Utopia member’s script live on the air and what can be done to make it better.
Tonight’s ScreenTalk ran a little long, but I didn’t mind. It was a great, information-packed show that was also a lot of fun. We had Harold Jackson III, Chris Soth, and Marilyn Horowitz on. When we have three guests we end up sometimes cramming for time, but the Internet radio gods smiled on us and let us run our course.
A lot of different things seem to be happening all at once regarding the book today. It seems a bit overwhelming, but I’ll try to get through it all.
I’ve come down with a bit of a cold as of late. Thankfully this phase of the book prep was finished over the weekend, which gives me a little time to go back and blow the dust off some screenplays that have been beckoning me to finish them.