Sony CEO Howard Stringer gave a keynote speech at Nikkei Electronics Asia that for the most part sounded like a lament about losing their chance to beat Apple to the punch in the digital music area. But that’s not what really got my attention.
When one wants to implement their own “scorched Earth” policy these days, the costs can be off-putting to say the…
Although every game I’ve profiled so far has been open source, this one is not. However, it is available for free. That doesn’t make it any less of a fun game to play, and truthfully most people won’t care if the source code is available. With that said, I give you: Fate By Numbers.
Growing up with a Nintendo meant that, invariably, one would play Super Mario Brothers and all of its successors. With it being the most successful video game franchise in history, it’s hard to argue its popularity. Even in this day of fully immersive 3D game environments, there are many who yearn for a taste of that time gone by, with a bit of a modern makeover. And that brings us to Secret Maryo Chronicles.
The story of Dapple is long from dead. Anybody that has the cajones to do what he did and take the kind of heat he did shows a strong determination to never give up. With the lens of time looking over at Owen’s rather honest posts about his numbers, his game is seeing some moderate success now in the AppStore. Certainly some of the attention he garnered from his previous posts about his game’s sales, coupled with a few high-profile reviews online helped to boost sales.
As I had stated previously, I’m no Van Gogh. Doing space scenes, though, is a lot of fun. Especially when you’re working on the concept art for some of the displays in a game. Since I don’t have a massive whiteboard to draw out some of my own rough sketches, I turn to the GIMP to get it done.
It’s always a good idea to make sure your entire development toolchain works right from beginning to end. This includes the package builder and installer. Even though I’m still a little while out from releasing Star Merchant 2, I spent the better part of the day Wednesday digging into py2exe to make sure it would, in fact, produce a good Windows distribution for the game. And then I found out how it didn’t like to play so nice with pygame.
Don’t have the dough to put down for a shiny new PS3 or Wii, plus Rock Band and a controller? Don’t fret, these guys have you covered.
A picture’s worth a thousand words. With a little diligent hacking away in Python, the main menu and branching within Star Merchant 2 is finished, according to the design document. Take a look for yourself.