Showing all posts by dklon
A Short A Day – Prism

Today we delve into some sci-fi action with the wonderful Prism.

One The Hard Way (or How I Crawled Out of Writer Hell)

There’s some stories that come easy. They fly off the fingertips as fast as you can type them before all…

A Short A Day – Sarah

Today’s short film is the lovely and heartwrenching Sarah.

A Short A Day – Militant

Today’s ASAD explores fanaticism and how it can have negative consequences for young minds. I give you Militant.

A Short A Day – :45

Today’s ASAD comes to us from Greece. The odd but entertaining :45, a psychological drama.

A Short A Day – Love Hurts

Continuing on with October’s theme of dark matter, here is the short horror film Love Hurts out of the Netherlands….

What It Means To Produce

I had originally written this as some advice to a young filmmaker who’d asked what being a producer is. The…

A Short A Day – The End

Since we’re in the month of October (one of my favorite months), it only seemed natural to share shorts that…

What is ScreenIQ Systems?

Since moving my blog over to the new domain, I’m sure some of you might be wondering what happened. Click…

A Short A Day – The Box

Today’s Short A Day is The Box, a psychological drama and the first in the ASAD series. Watch and read…

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