Showing all posts by dklon
Pygame 1.9.1 is out

This one is a little late. Pygame 1.9.1 has been released, hot on the heels of 1.9.0. One of the major fixes in both versions is better compatibility with py2exe, along with a couple other annoying things I’ve had to use workarounds for in the past.

Good news everyone!

I’ve been away working on other writing projects, but it looks like they’re coming to a close here real soon….

English and the News

I couldn’t help but post this again from another forum. These are actual headlines found in newspapers all over the world. It shows how unintentionally funny English can be.

Do or do not, there is no “seem”

Surety in screenwriting is something that I’ve watched drop off the radar as of late. It might be that most of the scripts I read come from first-timers or those considered amateurs, but I believe there is a lesson here to be learned by all.

A View To A Slashdotting

In which I talk about Cymon’s Games and the inevitable slashdotting his site, and Retro Remakes took.

Bruce Sterling on the coming decade

Stumbled across this while looking at the MAKE:blog and found it fascinating. I had never heard Mr. Sterling speak before, but he is an interesting cat. Here he discusses the coming decade, and what people of my own generation have to look forward to. Enjoy.

MoviePartners is now ad-free!

It’s been long in coming, but now MoviePartners is completely ad-free, and will remain so from now on. There has been a contentious amount of debate going on about it behind closed doors, but I believe that ad-driven revenue for the web is not only antiquated but also detrimental to any site out there.

Calling All Horror Festivals and Conventions

If you are interested in having me speak on a panel for your horror festival or convention about my book, horror screenwriting in general, or to get a screening of The Cursed, please contact me by leaving a comment on this post. I am soliciting any and all takers right now for the late 2009-2010 season.

Follow me on Twitter

For anyone interested, I do have a (sporadically updated) Twitter feed also. Click on the link and follow me if you’re interested.

Open Poetry

I’m sure most of you out there have written a poem or two in your lifetimes. Mine didn’t get out there very far because I thought they were puerile and a waste of paper. It’s been years since I’ve written any poetry. In a phrase, it sucked.

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